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OmniVision announces 'world's smallest' 1080p camera module
Nexus One runs Windows 3.11, possibly the saddest thing we've seen all day (video)
BT prepping a tablet with combined home phone and web slate duties
LG Ally review
ZTE packs 3G, Maemo into its V7 MID
Official: Acer will not launch Chrome OS devices at Computex
Skullcandy debuts Jay-Z-approved Roc Nation Aviator headphones
DIYer combines iPhone 3GS with Show WX for pico projected gaming bliss (video)
DuPont can print a 50-inch OLED TV in two minutes, you'll be waiting a little longer
Objet 3D printing put to the test in Iron Man 2 (video)
Nintendo Wii gets American Heart Association's stamp of approval
Caption contest: Windows 7-themed restaurant serves 64-bit grub in Taiwan
Kakai morphs into Kno, aims to school you at D8 conference
Inhabitat's Week in Green: LED lights, biofuel airplanes, and prescription tattoos
Pentax's medium-format 645D previewed, is a lot of camera to love (video)
Tablet PC shocker! Fujitsu LifeBook T730 official, smaller version of T900
Electromagnetically induced transparency could create a quantum internet, quantum memes
Wi-Fi Sync for iPhone video hands-on: it works!
L5 Remote now shipping, turning your iDevice into universal IR boss
Sprint BlackBerry Bold 9650 goes on sale a little early
Is this a prototype of the Nintendo 3DS?
HTC Wildfire hands-on (update: video!)
Kiwi Choice launches U-Powered USB portable solar charger
HTC Wildfire escapes from Yellow Mountain riding Android 2.1 (update: official)
iPad takes to the skies with Bluebox Ai this July
HTC Mondrian with 1.3GHz Snapdragon detailed in leaked Windows Phone 7 ROM?
Samsung's EX1 / TL500 flagship compact articulates 'release' in Korean
I-Fairy weds a couple of Japanese robot geeks (video)
NVIDIA puts its Tegra 2 eggs in Android's basket, aims to topple Apple's A4
Canon DSLR shutter remote hacked into Atari joystick
Inspiron M301z: Dell's first laptop to take on AMD's new dual-core Neo
UFC pay-per-view comes to the Roku Player
webOS booted up on a PC, just for kicks (video)
IntensaFIRE click-on mod bringing programmable / rapid fire modes to PS3 controller
Entelligence: Thirty three screens and a cloud
Palm Pre Plus launched on AT&T
Pentax's all-weather Optio W90 gets reviewed: brawn meets brain
HP bought Palm after a five-company bidding war
ASUS makes EeePC 1015P and 1015PE official, endows them with 13.5 hours of battery life
EB710 e-reader rocks an LCD, intriguing user interface
The EU Commission's Digital Agenda Plan
Psystar Files Its Appeal by Mail and a Notice of Filing Under Seal
Today We Are Seven
May 17th SCO Bankruptcy Hearing Cancelled and Tux Visits the Computer History Museum
IP Innovation v. Red Hat/Novell - The Prior Art They Used at Trial - Updated
Novell Responds to SCO's Motion for Judgment/New Trial
SCO Files MORs for March
After Caldera.com's Robots.txt is Removed, Some Evidence Surfaces
Report from the Trial in IP Innovation v. Red Hat and Novell - Updated
SCO Reports on De Minimis Assets Sale and Ocean Park's 6th Bill
Red Hat and Novell Beat IP Innovation and in Marshall, Texas, too - Updated 2Xs
Novell v. Vigilant Insurance
The Real Legal Argument Revealed (in a comic strip)
SCO Files Motion for Judgment As a Matter of Law, or For a New Trial
Annotating SCO's Findings of "Fact" and Conclusions of Law - Want to Help?
Today's Bankruptcy Hearing Was Cancelled; Patent Sold, Order Signed - Updated
SCO's Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law - Updated - as text
Novell's Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law
What the Judge Still Has to Decide in SCO v. Novell - Updated
While We Wait for a Decision in Bilski: Patent Absurdity, the movie
Hearing on Sale of SCO's Java Patent April 20th
Novell and SCO Agree on April 19th for Filing Findings and Conclusions
SCO Bankruptcy - The Dec. 30, 2009 Hearing Transcript and Order Giving Darl the Mobility Assets - Updated, as text
Psystar - The November 12, 2009 Hearing Transcript
Digging a Little Deeper into TurboHercules/IBM - OpenMainframe.org and Microsoft - Updated
Why I Believe IBM is Free to Sue The Pants Off TurboHercules - Updated 12Xs
Darl Buys (Not Licenses) SCO's Mobility Assets for $100,000 - Updated 4Xs
Do You Want Groklaw to Be Included in the Library of Congress's Historic Internet Materials Collections?
Bankruptcy Hearing on Darl's Mobility Offer on April 7 is "Going Forward"
Now What?
Re: Eingabemethode
(2) von bones am Wednesday May 19 2010, @12:31PM EDT zu
Touchbedienung auf dem absteigenden Ast?
Re: CW
(2) von bones am Wednesday May 19 2010, @12:29PM EDT zu
Touchbedienung auf dem absteigenden Ast?
(0) von Anonymer Feigling am Wednesday May 19 2010, @04:46AM EDT zu
Touchbedienung auf dem absteigenden Ast?
Re: Zensur? Ja, vielleicht.
(2) von bones am Wednesday May 19 2010, @03:59AM EDT zu
Darkerradio Free Music Charts April 2010
Was erwartet Ihr?
(2) von bones am Wednesday May 19 2010, @03:50AM EDT zu
Twitter zensiert Accounts von Torrentseiten
(2) von bones am Tuesday May 18 2010, @04:12AM EDT zu
Gebrauchthandel bei Videospielen schlimmer als Raubkopien?
Re: Weitere harte Fakten
(0) von Anonymer Feigling am Monday May 17 2010, @11:35AM EDT zu
Firefox 3 macht das Web unbrauchbar (Update)
Re: Weitere harte Fakten
(0) von Anonymer Feigling am Monday May 17 2010, @10:47AM EDT zu
Firefox 3 macht das Web unbrauchbar (Update)
Re: bei Smartphone oder Computern?
(1) von Ventilator am Sunday May 16 2010, @04:48PM EDT zu
Touchbedienung auf dem absteigenden Ast?
eine neue flut frischer RFCs
(2) von gravedigga am Saturday May 15 2010, @07:27PM EDT zu
Touchbedienung auf dem absteigenden Ast?
LDN is Temporarily Out of Order.
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Random: Stories We Missed on Apr. 15, 2010
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Random: Stories We Missed on Apr. 01, 2010
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Random: Stories We Missed on Mar. 21, 2010
Random: Stories We Missed on Mar. 15, 2010
Random: Stories We Missed on Mar. 09, 2010
Random: Stories We Missed on Mar. 06, 2010
Random: Stories We Missed on Feb. 27, 2010
Random: Stories We Missed on Feb. 05, 2010
Random: Stories We Missed on Jan. 30, 2010
Random: Stories We Missed on Jan. 26, 2010
Random: Stories We Missed on Jan. 24, 2010
Random: Stories We Missed on Jan. 23, 2010
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Sa 01.05.2010, 15:00 - 23:00, Ubuntu Lycid Lynx Releaseparty
Mo 03.05.2010, 20:00, Linux Stammtisch in Winterthur
Di 04.05.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Do 06.05.2010, 19:30, LugBE Treff
Fr 07.05.2010, 19:15, LUGS Treff
Fr 07.05.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Di 11.05.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Fr 14.05.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Di 18.05.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Do 20.05.2010, 19:15, LUGS Treff
Do 20.05.2010, 18:30, FSFE Fellowship-Treffen
Fr 21.05.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Di 25.05.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Fr 28.05.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Di 01.06.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Do 03.06.2010, 19:15, LUGS Treff - flashrom
Do 03.06.2010, 19:30, LugBE Treff
Fr 04.06.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Mo 07.06.2010, 20:00, Linux Stammtisch in Winterthur
Di 08.06.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Fr 11.06.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Di 15.06.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Do 17.06.2010, 19:00, LugBE Mitgliederversammlung
Fr 18.06.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Di 22.06.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Fr 25.06.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Di 29.06.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Do 01.07.2010, 19:15, LUGS Treff - Quantenkryptographie
Do 01.07.2010, 19:30, LugBE Treff
Fr 02.07.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Mo 05.07.2010, 20:00, Linux Stammtisch in Winterthur
Di 06.07.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Fr 09.07.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Fr 09.07.2010, 00:00 - 23:59, CoSin - Chaos Singularity 2010
Sa 10.07.2010, 00:00 - 23:59, CoSin - Chaos Singularity 2010
So 11.07.2010, 00:00 - 23:59, CoSin - Chaos Singularity 2010
Di 13.07.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Fr 16.07.2010, 19:15, LUGS Treff
Fr 16.07.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Di 20.07.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Fr 23.07.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Di 27.07.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Do 29.07.2010, 19:15, LUGS Treff
Fr 30.07.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Sa 31.07.2010, ab 17:00, LUGS Grillabend
Mo 02.08.2010, 20:00, Linux Stammtisch in Winterthur
Di 03.08.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Fr 06.08.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Di 10.08.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Fr 13.08.2010, 19:15, LUGS Treff
Fr 13.08.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Di 17.08.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Fr 20.08.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Di 24.08.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Do 26.08.2010, 19:15, LUGS Treff
Fr 27.08.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Di 31.08.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Fr 03.09.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Mo 06.09.2010, 20:00, Linux Stammtisch in Winterthur
Di 07.09.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Fr 10.09.2010, 19:15, LUGS Treff
Fr 10.09.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Di 14.09.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Fr 17.09.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Fr 17.09.2010, 09:00 - 18:00, FrOSCamp
Sa 18.09.2010, 09:00 - 18:00, FrOSCamp
Di 21.09.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Do 23.09.2010, 19:15, LUGS Treff
Fr 24.09.2010, 19:00, LUG Kreuzlingen Treff
Di 28.09.2010, 19:00, Linuxtreff St. Gallen
Mo 04.10.2010, 20:00, Linux Stammtisch in Winterthur
Mo 01.11.2010, 20:00, Linux Stammtisch in Winterthur
Mo 06.12.2010, 20:00, Linux Stammtisch in Winterthur